Monday, July 27, 2009

Resolution of Earaches, Neck Pain, and Headaches in Child With Chiropractic - Case Study

In the June 17, 2009 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health is a case study of an 8-year old girl who was helped by chiropractic after suffering with complaints of severe, debilitating otitis media (earaches) with constant headaches and sinus pressure for the previous 3 years.
The young girl had previous medical treatment that included 2 tympanectomy surgeries bilaterally (tube in ears), as well as several rounds of antibiotics, and sinus surgery. Due to the continuous headaches, the neck pain, ongoing earaches, and the sinus infections, and the lack of help from her medical care, the little girl's parents sought chiropractic care for their child.
A chiropractic examination and x-rays were performed. X-rays of the cervical spine (neck) showed a kyphosis, which is reversal of the normal forward curve that necks are supposed to have. The determination was made that subluxations were present and a course of chiropractic care was initiated.
Over the next three months the child received a total of 29 chiropractic adjustments. After 1 month of chiropractic care, the child no longer had headaches, sinus, and ear pain. Due to the child's improvement a third ear surgery that was previously scheduled was cancelled. The girls pediatrician confirmed that in addition to her headaches and neck pain, her ear and sinus infections were completely resolved.

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